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Artikel 48 Weimarer Verfassung

Breaking News: The Weimar Constitution of 1919

Historical Significance

The Weimar Constitution, adopted in 1919, marked a transformative era in German history. It established the first democratic republic in the country and laid the foundation for a modern constitutional system.

Key Provisions

The constitution enshrined fundamental principles of democracy, including the rule of law, freedom of speech, and the separation of powers. It also introduced a system of proportional representation for elections, ensuring a more equitable representation of diverse political views.

Article 48

One controversial provision was Article 48, which granted the president emergency powers to suspend constitutional rights and impose martial law. This article became a source of debate and constitutional conflict later on.


The Weimar Constitution laid the groundwork for the development of democratic institutions in Germany. However, it also faced challenges and limitations, ultimately collapsing due to political instability and the rise of authoritarianism in the 1930s. Nevertheless, it remains an important historical document that influenced the development of constitutional democracies throughout the world.
